Friday, January 15, 2016

Topic 6: Some additional points

Escape Sequences in Java


Octal character ddd


Hexadecimal character xxxx


Single quote


Double quote




Carriage return




Form feed





Differences between print and println

The print( ) method is just like println( ), except that it does not output a newline character after each call.


There are three types of comments defined by Java. Single-line // and multiline /* */. The third type is called a documentation comment. This type of comment is used to produce an HTML file that documents your program. The documentation comment begins with a /** and ends with a */. 


Java does not support or allow pointers.
Java does not support pointers that can be accessed and/or modified by the programmer. Java cannot allow pointers, because doing so would allow Java programs to breach the firewall between the Java execution environment and the host computer. Java is designed in such a way that as long as we stay within the confines of the execution environment, we will never need to use a pointer, nor would there be any benefit in using one.

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