Saturday, December 5, 2015

Locate and pin to taskbar BIDS in 2008 R2 or SSDT in 2012

This article explains how to search Business Intelligence Development Studio ( or BIDS) when using SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server Data Tools ( or SSDT) when using SQL Server 2012 and pin to taskbar. The aim is to make BIDS/SSDT easily accessible for our next examples.

The following steps apply to SSIS 2008:

Search for BIDS under Start -> More apps(down arrow) -> SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.
Right click on the App and select Pin to taskbar. 

BIDS as highlighted in the screenshot is now pinned to taskbar.

The following steps apply to SSIS 2012:

Search for SSDT under Start -> More apps(down arrow) -> SQL Server Data Tools.

Right click on the App and select Pin to taskbar. 

SSDT as highlighted in the screenshot is now pinned to taskbar.

Click for NEXT article in the sequence.

Please feel free to correct me by commenting your feedback and suggestion.

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